Privacy Policy

Data Protection

We are responsible for handling the personal data we manage concerning our customers and business partners. You can find our contact details below.


Loevschall A/S
Nikkelvej 11 
DK-8940 Randers SV
Company Reg. No.: 10 97 80 76
Phone: +45 87 11 40 50

Our company is not required to have an external DPO, but if you have questions about the processing of your personal data, you can contact us at

Data Handling

As the controller under GDPR, we engage in the following activities:

Website Visits

This website uses cookies, which you can read more about in our cookie policy.

Communication with Potential Customers

When you have questions about our website, want to know more about our services, or request a login, you can contact us via:

1. Contact form

2. Email

3. Phone

Through this, we will handle your personal data to communicate with you, such as responding to inquiries about our services. We only process the information you provide us in connection with our communication.

We typically handle the following general data: name, email, phone number.

In special cases, if there is a need to store your personal data for an extended period, this may occur.


We need to communicate with our customers to ensure that the service is delivered correctly. In this process, we handle information such as name, address, services, specific agreements, payment information, and similar details.


We have a newsletter that you can voluntarily subscribe to—and you can always unsubscribe.

The purpose of the newsletter is to send emails with new information from the company, such as new content on the website or announcements about our services.

We only send emails to you if you have actively given your consent to this. This first requires you to provide your email address, which we then send an email to in order to confirm your subscription. In this way, we ensure that you have indeed signed up for the newsletter, i.e., given active consent.

We will handle your personal data as long as you are subscribed to the newsletter. When you unsubscribe, we will stop sending it to you.


We must save all accounting records in accordance with the Accounting Act. This means we save invoices and similar documentation for accounting purposes. General personal data such as name, address, and service description may be included.

We store this data for at least 5 years after the relevant fiscal year has ended.

Job Applications

We welcome job applications to assess whether they meet a hiring need in our company.

If you have submitted an unsolicited application, we will immediately assess whether your application is relevant and then delete your information if there is no match.

If you have applied for an advertised position, we will delete your application if you are not hired and immediately after the right candidate has been found for the job.

Data Processors

Few can do everything themselves, and the same applies to us. Therefore, we have business partners and use suppliers, some of whom may be data processors.

External suppliers can, for example, provide systems to organize our work, services, consulting, IT hosting, or marketing.

It is our responsibility to ensure that your personal data is handled correctly. Therefore, we set high standards for our business partners, and our partners must guarantee that your personal data is protected.

We, therefore, enter into agreements with companies (data processors) that handle personal data on our behalf to enhance the security of your personal data.

Disclosure of Personal Data

We do not disclose your personal data to third parties.

Transfer to Third Countries

As a rule, we use data processors within the EU/EEA or who store data within the EU/EEA.

In some cases, this is not possible, and data processors outside the EU/EEA may be used if they can provide adequate protection for your personal data.

Data Subject Rights

Under data protection laws, you have certain rights concerning our processing of your data.

If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us so we can assist you with this.

Right to Information (Right of Access)

You have the right to obtain information about the data we process about you and additional information.


You have the right to have incorrect information about yourself corrected.

Right to Erasure

In certain cases, you have the right to have your data deleted before our general deletion occurs.

Right to Restriction of Processing

In some cases, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. If you have the right to restrict processing, we may only continue processing the data—with the exception of storage—with your consent or to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims or to protect a person or important public interests.

Right to Object

In certain cases, you have the right to object to our otherwise lawful processing of your personal data. You can also object to the processing of your data for direct marketing.

Withdrawal of Consent

When our processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent.

Complaints to the Supervisory Authority

You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority if you are dissatisfied with how we process your personal data.

We generally recommend that you read more about GDPR to stay updated on the regulations.